Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Midweek Confessions

Happy Wednesday, friends. I'm braindead and tired this week so don't be offended if these aren't the best confessions ....
  • I've had this library book for almost two months; it's due tomorrow and I'm only halfway finished...
  • It is such a struggle for me to shave my legs... it's a pain in the butt and I really don't see a point when I'm going to wear jeans. It seems I'm going back to my winter habits of "shave my legs saturdays"
  • We were just assigned a new engineering project to pick a fairly simple item and draw it out... I'm at a loss. My best idea so far:  a tampon. But, I'm the only girl in the class so that might not go over too well.
  • I went through my closet on Monday and now have a huge pile of things to take to the consignment shop... even with this huge pile gone, my closet is still waay too full and I'm still pretty sure I need to do more shopping.
  • I haven't had a sweet tea in like two days and it's killing me. No, seriously.
  • I keep getting this overwhelming desire to use hashtags on here today... #twitteraddict
  • Android finally got Scramble and I'm addicted. But I suck; I've gotten beaten every round.

1 comment:

  1. I am the queen of renewing books multiple times, only to return them half-read. And then I place a hold request for the same book the very next week. I feel ya girl. :)
