Monday, April 30, 2012

Longest/Shortest Weekend Ever

I can't believe that's already over.  It didn't even feel like a weekend; it went by way too fast - making it the shortest weekend ever.
And it was extremely exhausting - making it the longest weekend ever.
I hung out with my boyfriend Friday after his game, and then Saturday the exhausting part of the weekend began. 
I had a basketball tournament, and we didn't have a large team.  We played three games Saturday and a game on Sunday with an average of seven people on our team.  Some games, we even had to play with six.  It is exhausting.  So, Saturday night, it seemed like everyone else went to parties and whatnot while I went to bed at 10:30 so I could wake up at 8 the next morning to play another game with only six people... I went to bed earlier on Saturday night than I do on most school nights. I need a life. I just wish I had the motivation and energy to actually get one; I'm hoping that will come this summer.
On a brighter note, I finally got a prom dress! Now I just need to find shoes... at least that's something to do in school right?
Have a fantastic Monday everyone! (Ha ha)


  1. I have a picture on my phone; and I'll probably post some of the pictures we take that night on here. I'm so excited! (:
