I got this idea from michabella which is quickly becoming one of my new favorite blogs; link up everyone!
reading The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest - the final book in the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series... I wish he could write more; I'm really upset that there won't be anymore; The Great Gatsby for English class; I'm actually enjoying it much more than I thought I would.writing reviews for RT Book Reviews ; I most recently reviewed The Damnation Affair by Lilith Saintcrow... although the Sci-Fi books I'm assigned to read are cheesy, most of them are pretty interesting and who can complain about extra payments and something to add to your college apps?
listening country music, country music, country music, and the really weird mix playing on my iPod right now. If we're being honest, I'm not completely sure where it's coming from but I'm too lazy to change it.
thinking too much.
smelling stink bugs; if these things don't go away soon, I might take it upon myself to burn them all. I HATE THEM.
wishing it could go back to summer
hoping someone will tell me where I want to go to college and what I want to do with my life, because I really don't want to decide just yet.
wearing sweatshirts and sweaters.. YAY FALL!
loving my boyfriend of course (: oh and pumpkin ice cream, my new favorite part of fall
wanting some beautiful riding boots for fall... at the moment I'm obsessed with these Frye boots but unfortunately I can't justify spending $328 on a pair of boots when I've already got three pairs of expensive boots. being a girl is so difficult :(

needing football practices to be much shorter and less frequent so I can actually see my boyfriend more than once a week.
feeling excited because my wonderful cousin is getting married in TWO WEEKS! YAYAYAYAY!
clicking eBay; don't ask me why... all of a sudden I'm addicted and it's bad. It's not even an addiction to buying, I think I just like searching for new things and obsessively watching until it gets down to few hours and I decide I actually don't need this thing I thought I wanted.
also please excuse the weird highlighting... I was playing around with it and now I can't figure out how to get rid of it!
have you watched the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" movie {the Sweden edition}? It's like SO traumatizing. I actually saw the movie first and read the books second. SUCH an amazing storyline.
I haven't seen the Swedish version yet; I watched the new version and decided to read the books after that, but once I find time I definitely want to watch the Swedish version! They are amazing books!