READING Zero Day by David Baldacci. I was bored the other day and went through my dad's e-book collection on our network at home and thought I'd go for something different and try this. I'm actually pretty hooked. But, I had to take a break to review River of Stars and read the Scarlet Letter for English.

WRITING An essay for my Costa Rica application - or at least trying to write it. I'm suffering from major writer's block; not sure if it's a good sign or a bad sign if I'm having more trouble with what to write rather than writing the two pages is Spanish...
LISTENING to country music all the time
THINKING too much about everything; especially my Costa Rica app. If there is something to overthink, you can guarantee I am overthinking it.
SMELLING my coffee; mom got some new creamer and I'm not sure what kind it is, but it's good.
WISHING for summer, or even spring break, or just a really long break from school.
HOPING I will somehow get better at making decisions
WEARING blue cardigan, my favorite jeans, rose gold-ish watch, pearls, and my authentic Texas cowboy boots (first day in forever that I haven't worn my Fryes, I'm completely addicted to them.
LOVING my Frye boots, and yoga pants; it's a little ridiculous how often I wear both of those (but usally not together thank god - only did that once, and I had an excuse because I was sick... ha)

WANTING more nail polish, new bathing suits, and more pretty shirts (I don't need any of these at all but I really, really want to go shopping) oh & I want everything on wanelo

CLICKING hulu - trying to catch up on glee, pretty little liars, and new girl; I'm behind on all of them because of basketball
CURRENTLY idea from here