Whatta weekend... apparently we had some nice weather but I didn't really get to enjoy it since I was so busy (no complaining though, it was well worth missing the weather (: )
Friday was date night; the boyfriend and I went to dinner and then watched a movie afterwards.
Saturday, we got up early, picked up Kayla, and drove to Richmond to watch our boys play in the state championship. We lost, but the trip was still worth it, for several reasons.. 1) We discovered new favorite Girl Scout cookie: dulce de leche. 2) We ate dinner at Maggianos and decided it was one of the best meals we'd ever had. 3) We got to go shopping after dinner.. We didn't have much time though and our purchases suffered because of it... An hour and a half of shopping and we came home with a pair of yoga pants each. While yoga pants are one of the best inventions ever, only buying one thing on a shopping trip makes me pretty disappointed in myself.

< Maggianos... I'm pretty sure I've never been that full in my life.
Sunday, I was still feeling full from dinner the night before when I woke up. I decided I needed to go to the gym and work it off. (Cycling and CXworx might explain some of the soreness I'm feeling today.) But, I figured I needed it since I won't be able to work out on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday because of driving school... after the gym, I spent some more time with my wonderful boyfriend to celebrate our one month(: we were both exhausted so we pretty much spent five hours watching movies and cuddling.. no complaints there (:
And now, I'm left to spend my day staring out the window, wishing I could be outside with a book. Hopefully I can go get a manicure after school and then read for a while.(: