- I took full advantage of being home alone yesterday... and by this I mean hanging out/working out in yoga leggings and a sports bra and talking to my dog. No, seriously...
- It took everything I had not to wear said yoga leggings to school this morning... They're so comfy and I wanted to stay in my pajamas instead of going to school. I settled for a sweatshirt.
- During my workout yesterday, I ran for a little while... it was a reminder that I truly hate running. I was on the treadmill, listening to music rather loudly and reading the subtitles on the news, and I still wasn't distracted enough to realize that I hate running...
- I sat down and watched three hours of TV last night for the first time in a while... Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, American Idol.
- Speaking of American Idol, I really didn't understand the hype about DeAndre Brackensick or Eben Franckewitz. No offense to my Justin Bieber fan followers, but guys should sound like guys unless they're Bruno Mars whose heavenly perfect voice is about as high pitched as it should get... my personal favorites were Jeremy Rosado and Philip Phillips.
- I get overly stressed out about Words with Friends but I HATE LOSING!
- The 'b' button on my laptop suddenly doesn't work on occasion and it's driving me insane.
Junior in Virginia... student, daughter, Christian, friend. Counting down the days until college...
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Midweek Confessions...
Best part of the week right here, happy hump day! And happy Leap Year!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I really want to start cooking more... probably because I'm hungry and the recipes all look really good online. I've told my mom to pick a day for me to cook; when I do, I want to make all this:

And on the subject of food, I finally satisfied my taco bell craving yesterday (: Now I just need some Bo Rounds and Red Beans and Rice. And... Pasta Pit had better reopen soon, I'm dying hereee...
Oh, and Happy National Pancake Day!

That's chicken, breaded and stuffed with ricotta cheese... I think it looks heavenly.
Every good meal needs a side, and these roasted potatoes look reeally good...
Red.Velvet.Cheesecake.Brownies. need I say more?
I'll try to take some pictures when I actually get around to making this... And on the subject of food, I finally satisfied my taco bell craving yesterday (: Now I just need some Bo Rounds and Red Beans and Rice. And... Pasta Pit had better reopen soon, I'm dying hereee...
Oh, and Happy National Pancake Day!

Cheesecake pancakes? Oh Yes.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Monday, already?
Happy Monday! (Only kidding, everyone knows Mondays aren't happy...) How about a little weekend recap?
Friday, I watched our boys basketball team win the region championship with a tie-breaking shot 7 seconds before the buzzer. It was so intense; afterwards, I got to hang out with my boyfriend for a little bit (:
Saturday I took crossfit... It's intense military-type training focused on the core. My shoulders still hurt to touch today...(I literally screamed when my dad and brother tried to pat my shoulder this morning...) it was definitely my hardest workout in a loonng time.
Yes, we did run outside. Guess who was the only one wearing shorts?
After the workout, my mom and I took my grandma to lunch and then met up with a friend to go see The Vow. It was soo good, and I really don't see why everyone hated the ending, I thought it was really cute.
Sunday, I went to lunch with my daddy and had my end-of-season meeting with my coach... I'm already kind of excited for open gyms to start but for now I'm reeally enjoying my break. Afterwards, my boyfriend came over and we watched some moviess (: that would probably explain why I'm tired today since I didn't start my homework until he left around 9:30... oh well. And, on the subject of homework, I'm pretty sure I just failed the quiz that I didn't study for... it was easy and made sense and I'm almost completely positive that's a bad sign... but who can remember all these:

After this, I have a test and another quiz.. who wants to start a week with that?
Best part: drivers' ed starts tonight. Here goes dying of boredom three nights a week because the school couldn't fit health into my schedule... awesome.
On the bright side, it's one step closer to my license which I get in exactly 85 days. (not that I'm counting or anything.)
Friday, I watched our boys basketball team win the region championship with a tie-breaking shot 7 seconds before the buzzer. It was so intense; afterwards, I got to hang out with my boyfriend for a little bit (:
Saturday I took crossfit... It's intense military-type training focused on the core. My shoulders still hurt to touch today...(I literally screamed when my dad and brother tried to pat my shoulder this morning...) it was definitely my hardest workout in a loonng time.
After the workout, my mom and I took my grandma to lunch and then met up with a friend to go see The Vow. It was soo good, and I really don't see why everyone hated the ending, I thought it was really cute.
Sunday, I went to lunch with my daddy and had my end-of-season meeting with my coach... I'm already kind of excited for open gyms to start but for now I'm reeally enjoying my break. Afterwards, my boyfriend came over and we watched some moviess (: that would probably explain why I'm tired today since I didn't start my homework until he left around 9:30... oh well. And, on the subject of homework, I'm pretty sure I just failed the quiz that I didn't study for... it was easy and made sense and I'm almost completely positive that's a bad sign... but who can remember all these:
After this, I have a test and another quiz.. who wants to start a week with that?
Best part: drivers' ed starts tonight. Here goes dying of boredom three nights a week because the school couldn't fit health into my schedule... awesome.
On the bright side, it's one step closer to my license which I get in exactly 85 days. (not that I'm counting or anything.)
Friday, February 24, 2012
Photo Friday!
I really never know what to blog about anymore; life has gotten so busy and school takes up all of my brain. The rest of the time, I feel brain-dead, literally. For example: Twice in two days, I've tried to use soap instead of lotion; a couple of days ago I used conditioner instead of shampoo; I don't remember anything if I don't write it down. I'm honestly amazed that I remembered pants this morning... (kidding, sort of)
I think all of this chaos and stress has caused me to have weird dreams. I'll wake up and usually remember three random dreams I had that night, what is up with that? It wouldn't be that weird except that I rarely dream at all, let alone frequent random ones...
Oh, and to top it all off, I'm getting sick. Thank God for Sudafed...
And most of all, thank God it's Friday... two classes left 'til a break (but not really since my weekends are always busy... let's hope I can actually make it to the gym a few times)
Let's celebrate Friday with some photos shall we? (: these are somg things that I'm loving right now...
I'm loving these boots right now, so comfy (:
I got this skirt on my shopping trip, can't wait til it gets warm so I can skip the tights
Nothing's comfier than a long sleeve t-shirt...
I can't wait for summer; I got a bunch of new shorts and they are dying to be worn...
I keep buying more of this style sweatshirt, I think I'm up to four now. I can't get past how comfy they are..
This is my new life philosophy since my boyfriend made me cupcakes for my birthdaay (:

College letters are a little reminder that high school will be over soon enough... I can't wait for college visits next year
I think all of this chaos and stress has caused me to have weird dreams. I'll wake up and usually remember three random dreams I had that night, what is up with that? It wouldn't be that weird except that I rarely dream at all, let alone frequent random ones...
Oh, and to top it all off, I'm getting sick. Thank God for Sudafed...
And most of all, thank God it's Friday... two classes left 'til a break (but not really since my weekends are always busy... let's hope I can actually make it to the gym a few times)
Let's celebrate Friday with some photos shall we? (: these are somg things that I'm loving right now...

I've noticed that all those clothes had a theme; I'm getting so lazy.. comfort > cuteness. Summer needs to hurry up so I can start caring about my clothes again!

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Although it isn't officially spring yet, it's 70˚ which means I can successfully convince myself for a few days that it's spring. I'm wearing flip-flops, oh how I've missed them. I think the best part of spring, though, is Easter candy. I LOVE jelly beans. I can't wait til my mom buys that first bag to keep in a bowl in the kitchen; after that we're all addicted and she'll keep refilling the bowl until Easter's over.

Spring means that it'll start getting warm enough for lake trips with the boyfriend. AND... spring means spring break in Florida with my best friendsiesss (:
All that's left is to get tan so I can start wearing shorts again... YAY for spring. (:
*And on a side note, it's getting really tough to think of different blog ideas every day... I think I need to pick up an interesting hobby so I'll have better topics. Any ideas...?

Spring means that it'll start getting warm enough for lake trips with the boyfriend. AND... spring means spring break in Florida with my best friendsiesss (:
All that's left is to get tan so I can start wearing shorts again... YAY for spring. (:
*And on a side note, it's getting really tough to think of different blog ideas every day... I think I need to pick up an interesting hobby so I'll have better topics. Any ideas...?
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Midweek Confessions and Ramblings
I can't believe it's Wednesday already. It feels like a Monday since it's my first day at school this week after my crazy weekend. I think I'll recap that before I begin my confessions.
Friday was my amazing birthday dinner at Frankie Rowlands... wish I'd gotten some pictures but I was too focused on the incredible food. The steak was definitely the best I'd ever had and the sides were delicious and to top it off, I got a complimentary birthday crème brûlée. sooo goood (:

Friday was my amazing birthday dinner at Frankie Rowlands... wish I'd gotten some pictures but I was too focused on the incredible food. The steak was definitely the best I'd ever had and the sides were delicious and to top it off, I got a complimentary birthday crème brûlée. sooo goood (:
Saturday was the Blake Shelton concert. I got to have dinner first with my wonderful boyfriend (: and then my mom and Kayla and I left for the concert. Dia Frampton, who was runner-up on the Voice, opened. She was alright, but concerts suck when you don't know the artist's songs. Justin Moore, however, was excellent... "Bait a Hook" is such a good song. And of course, Blake Shelton was amazing. He sang his new songs and a few old ones that have always been my favorites.
My mom and I spent the entire car ride to Georgia on Sunday listening to the country mix on my iPod. (This included a lot of Justin Moore and Blake Shelton). Despite the good music though, I truly hate car rides... it was almost worth it though since I got another birthday dinner at Pappasito's. Literally the best Mexican restaurant ever. They make their tortillas fresh, it is amaaazing. (:

We also got to visit the dress shop where they film Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta. I don't actually watch the show but it was still pretty exciting.
On Monday, my actual birthday, mom and I went outlet shopping and I got to choose some summer clothes. Now, I'm even more excited for summer, or at least Spring Break... Later, my amazing family surprised me with a homemade birthday dinner. They decorated the house with "Sweet Sixteen" decorations and grilled out. We had steak and baked potatoes and chocolate cake.
Tuesday, the drive back was dreadful, but again, we got some food to make it better. Steak 'n Shake is just unbeatable and indescribable. I think we're getting one here soon (:

Now for some confessions.... (:
- After all the food this weekend, my dad and I had Pizza Hut for dinner last night and I'm going out to dinner again with my boyfriend tonight (: The worst part is that I can't really remember the last time I worked out...
- I think I actually miss working out. I can't believe I just said that.
- I really have no patience. Five minutes in the car on the way home and I was ready to kill someone.
- This weekend, I was supposed to catch up on some reading and do my homework... I did some of my homework when I got home and I think I may have read two chapters...
- I've recently been getting too lazy to really care about my hair and makeup, like at all...
- Somehow, after a four day weekend, I still couldn't make myself be excited about school at all. Four days off made it even harder to go back.
- I got to school this morning and found a coffee cup in there... I haven't been at school since Friday.... oooops
- All these Lent posts about giving up facebook or fattening food make me super glad I'm not Catholic... we Baptists certaintly couldn't give up our food for 40 days... hahah
Well, I think that's enough for today. Sorry if that was more rambling than confessing.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Weekend Plans
I cannot wait for this weekend; I'm afraid today is going to be impossibly slow because I am so excited.
Tonight, we're starting off the weekend with my birthday dinner at Frankie Rowland's. Everyone says it's the best steak I'll ever have. I can't wait (:
Saturday I'm hoping to spend some time with my boyfriend before seeing Blake Shelton in concert with Justin Moore. I am so excited, I've been counting down to this for months and it's finally here!
Sunday morning we're leaving to visit some family in Georgia and I'll miss school monday and tuesday (that just might be the best part). I am beyond excited to see my cousin's baby (That makes him my cousin once removed I think?); he is almost a year and a half old and he is the cutest baby I've EVER seen. And that's not just because I'm biased. He reminds all of us of a white version of Kendra and Hank Baskett's baby except cuter. I'll get to see both of my cousins while we're down there too and go bridesmaid dress shopping for my cousin's wedding in October.
There are Tanger Outlets near my aunt's house and of all the outlets I've been to, these are the best. They have Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Coach, Pacsun, Nike, pretty much everything... and they have real outlet prices. Hello Birthday Shopping Spree (:

Oh, and on monday, I'LL BE SIXTEEN. (three more months til my license!)
Two classes down, two to go. The half had better go by faster than the first half did...
Tonight, we're starting off the weekend with my birthday dinner at Frankie Rowland's. Everyone says it's the best steak I'll ever have. I can't wait (:
Saturday I'm hoping to spend some time with my boyfriend before seeing Blake Shelton in concert with Justin Moore. I am so excited, I've been counting down to this for months and it's finally here!
There are Tanger Outlets near my aunt's house and of all the outlets I've been to, these are the best. They have Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Coach, Pacsun, Nike, pretty much everything... and they have real outlet prices. Hello Birthday Shopping Spree (:
Oh, and on monday, I'LL BE SIXTEEN. (three more months til my license!)
Two classes down, two to go. The half had better go by faster than the first half did...
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
I Must Confess...
I was going to skip this week because I've gotten lazy E took a week off, but I couldn't do it. Midweek confessions are just too much fun.

- I just ate a bag of Fritos, one of my Valentine's day gift cake pops, and a package of Reese's cups after a huge early dinner at Burger in the Square. I'm feeling a bit fat now, but who really cares? It was way worth it.
- I'm pretty sure I have the best boyfriend in the world (:
- Today was literally the first day I've actually paid attention in chemistry for the entire class period, and I'm more lost than I usually am. (This is why I don't pay attention/study)
- I almost cried when I saw one of those Ydoyouthink commercials.. did you know that secondhand smoke can give dogs lung cancer? Yeah, if I ever had any unknown urges to smoke (I'm pretty sure I didn't since it's disgusting, awful, cancer-causing, did I mention awful), they're all gone now. How could someone do that to a poor innocent dog?
- While watching jeopardy tonight, my best category was "Coke around the World." I'm not really sure what that implies but I felt like sharing...
- I keep catching myself being really mean and wishing hateful things towards people. I really should be nicer.
- I think almost all of those confessions made me seem like a fat, nerdy,
bitch... I swear I'm not! (most of the time)
Monday, February 13, 2012
Valentine's Day... (:
I can actually add a smiley to that and not be bitter and angry about Valentine's day... why? Because as of Saturday, I have the best boyfriend ever (:
A friend hooked us up for the Sadie Hawkin's dance and after going on some dates beforehand we realized that we wanted to stay together after the dance. Well, the dance sucked but afterwards we went to a friend's house and while we were cuddling on the couch he officially asked me to be his girlfriend. He asked if he could see my phone, and when he handed it back, he had changed his contact to "My amazing boyfriend?" and of course I said yes. I still can't get past how cute and sweet it was (:
Now though, I need some cute Valentine's day ideas... I was thinking framing a picture from the dance or making him dessert or a mix cd or something.. any ideas?
It feels weird being all giddy on here... but I can't help it. Happy Valentine's Day (:
A friend hooked us up for the Sadie Hawkin's dance and after going on some dates beforehand we realized that we wanted to stay together after the dance. Well, the dance sucked but afterwards we went to a friend's house and while we were cuddling on the couch he officially asked me to be his girlfriend. He asked if he could see my phone, and when he handed it back, he had changed his contact to "My amazing boyfriend?" and of course I said yes. I still can't get past how cute and sweet it was (:
Now though, I need some cute Valentine's day ideas... I was thinking framing a picture from the dance or making him dessert or a mix cd or something.. any ideas?
It feels weird being all giddy on here... but I can't help it. Happy Valentine's Day (:
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Things I've Learned About Myself
I know I've already done the "Lessons I've Learned" post, but this is different. These are all things I think I've learned about myself...
- I have some unusual talents (i.e. Procrastinating, British accents, correcting people.. if those count as talents?)
- I tend to jump into things whole-heartedly right away... not sure if this is good or bad? But I guess it's better to go all out than to hold back, right?
- I expect the best of people; I wish I knew why. I mean, I've had countless experiences where I thought people could change and they didn't, but I still keep believing. Wish me luck.
- I'm still trying to decide if I'm the type of girl who always wants a boyfriend or the type of girl who will die alone and be completely okay with it. I mean, it's so nice to have someone who's always there for you and will compliment you and hold you... but then again, I love spending time alone. Sometimes there's nothing better than being home alone with the dog, reading and sleeping. I can't explain it, but I really love spending time by myself. That's why I can see myself just living alone with a dog and being completely okay with my life. Is that sad?
- I think I could be an English teacher; it makes me extremely angry when people make simple mistakes (your [give me your food] and you're [You're fat], then [then we took a test] and than [I like him more than her], definitely [Yes, I definitely want to see you this weekend] and defiantly [She defiantly stood her ground] and definately [not a word at all], accept [I can't accept that everyone makes these mistakes] and except [I like everyone except people who make these mistakes] etc.) But seriously, the desire I have to correct all these mistakes is slightly overwhelming.
- I must enjoy being stressed out because I procrastinate until everything builds up and suffocates me.
- I'm really unconfrontational; even if stuff bothers me, chances are I'll hold it in until I can't anymore, and then (no I won't confront the person) I'll cry (which I also don't do very often).. But, I think life would be so much easier if I had no problem speaking up and saying exactly what I'm thinking. Oh, well.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Midweek Confessions
Well, it's been a while since I've blogged (which is unlike me, I know), but we had a long weekend that seemed like it was filled with things to do. My mind was too tired to blog yesterday, but I had to come back for Midweek Confessions (:
- I completely forgot my homework this weekend until 10 o'clock monday night when I realized I had to read 4 chapters for an English quiz... I got them done but now I'm lacking sleep, like always.
- As a joke, my dad told me I should start practicing my British accent now so that it will seem real in college... I decided to try that for the night and it's addicting. I was driving my mom insane since I was talking just to hear myself talk.
- I've started randomly finding myself mentioning other blogs in conversation. Someone will talk about something and I'll remember when one of the blogs I follow mentioned it... I think that means I spend too much time reading blogs...
- I feel like my confessions are really lame today... My mind is gone this week.
- I've forgotten almost everything this week... it's bad.
- And with that I think I should get off here and go to bed (yes I know it's barely 9 o'clock... Please don't judge)
Friday, February 3, 2012
Photo Friday (:
Well, again I was too lazy to take pics, but here are some of my favorites from WeHeartIt (:

I'm loving sparkley nail-polish right now. Just bought my first bottle yesterday, can't waait to use it (:

Friends with Benefits is one of the best movies ever...

D'awwwww (:

Again, D'aww (:

I want a snowstorm (:

I also want to go to the beach (:

Ignore the language in the picture above... I just thought it was really funny... hahah
I want to do my hair like that... and I also want M&M cookies now...
Sorry if I went a bit overboard, but I can't help but repost all the adorable dog/puppy pictures (:
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Ever have those days when you just aren't feeling it? Today is one of those days... I woke up, late of course, thinking it was Friday. Well, it's not. Yay for rude awakenings, right? I couldn't even promise my exhausted self to sleep the next three days because I've still got another day this week, one that will involve a huge Bio test... awesome. I guess yesterday I should have gone home after basketball and finished my homework instead of watching Pretty Little Liars, Jeopardy, I Hate my Teenage Daughter, and American Idol consecutively. Even after all those, it still wasn't that late and I should've used my free time to get to sleep early since I haven't gotten to bed before 11 this week. But who am I to break a non-sleeping streak? Of course I stayed up texting, tweeting, and checking facebook... I guess right now I could be doing the homework I should have done last night, but blogging sounds much more appealing. Looks like I'll be spending another late night finishing homework. Guess who's pumped... THIS GIRL. ha.ha.ha... All this mixed with my complete lack of sleep has made it one of those unmotivated, angry days that have been filling my week. During English, I should have caught up on my reading since I skipped that last class, but I could not make myself do it. Now reading Ethan Frome will interrupt my weekend of sleep. At least I had an intense game of badminton to pick up my day a teensey bit more than it should have...
Going back to real classes and taking a test have killed the little bit of happiness again though... Maybe I'll review the shows I watched last night to hopefully lift my mood:
Pretty Little Liars: I'm always a day or two behind on this one because my family doesn't have cable. Yes, I just typed that. They decided a few years ago that we watch too much TV and therefore, we should cancel cable... but back to PLL; I LOVE this show. I've read all the books but that never really helps keep up with the show since they change whatever they want. No complaints though, that's probably a good thing because I'm just as confused about who A is. (Apparently we'll know in 30 days!) Last night's episode was pretty good, maybe even a little below the show's drama standards. Ezra's job offer and Holden's bruise spiced things up a bit for Aria. And we all know Maya and Emily won't stay happy for too long if A has anything to do with it... And when will they bring Toby back, I can't take this much longer. Poor Hanna with those pictures... but at least she has Caleb (mmmmm). But come on, I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHO A IS ALREADY!
(big part of why I watch the show)
Jeopardy: Um, yes, thisprobably definitely qualifies me as a nerd. But it was colllege night, and answering some of those questions makes me feel really smart. Plus, one guy was brilliant, and attractive. This gives me hope for college since most of the boys in high school these past few days have been making me wonder if there's any hope...

I Hate my Teenage Daughter: This show has quickly become a new obsession of mine. Some of it's a bit exxagerated, but it's hilarious. I just can't help but laugh out loud at this one, especially last episode: "Teenage Dating." Lots of it sounded quite familiar...

American Idol: I miss Simon Cowell. I love him, he made the show. Although, Steven Tyler is pretty hilarious, the show isn't the same without Simon's accent and dry humor. :( There was definitely some talent last night though; the last girl's story made me cry, which is saying something because I don't cry. But then again, I almost cried at The Vow commercial... maybe I'm going soft.

I'm thinking that's it for today, now I'lll just sit here and remind myself: TOMORROW'S FRIDAY.TOMORROW'S FRIDAY.TOMORROW'S FRIDAY....
Going back to real classes and taking a test have killed the little bit of happiness again though... Maybe I'll review the shows I watched last night to hopefully lift my mood:
Pretty Little Liars: I'm always a day or two behind on this one because my family doesn't have cable. Yes, I just typed that. They decided a few years ago that we watch too much TV and therefore, we should cancel cable... but back to PLL; I LOVE this show. I've read all the books but that never really helps keep up with the show since they change whatever they want. No complaints though, that's probably a good thing because I'm just as confused about who A is. (Apparently we'll know in 30 days!) Last night's episode was pretty good, maybe even a little below the show's drama standards. Ezra's job offer and Holden's bruise spiced things up a bit for Aria. And we all know Maya and Emily won't stay happy for too long if A has anything to do with it... And when will they bring Toby back, I can't take this much longer. Poor Hanna with those pictures... but at least she has Caleb (mmmmm). But come on, I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHO A IS ALREADY!
Jeopardy: Um, yes, this
I Hate my Teenage Daughter: This show has quickly become a new obsession of mine. Some of it's a bit exxagerated, but it's hilarious. I just can't help but laugh out loud at this one, especially last episode: "Teenage Dating." Lots of it sounded quite familiar...
American Idol: I miss Simon Cowell. I love him, he made the show. Although, Steven Tyler is pretty hilarious, the show isn't the same without Simon's accent and dry humor. :( There was definitely some talent last night though; the last girl's story made me cry, which is saying something because I don't cry. But then again, I almost cried at The Vow commercial... maybe I'm going soft.
I'm thinking that's it for today, now I'lll just sit here and remind myself: TOMORROW'S FRIDAY.TOMORROW'S FRIDAY.TOMORROW'S FRIDAY....
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