Going back to real classes and taking a test have killed the little bit of happiness again though... Maybe I'll review the shows I watched last night to hopefully lift my mood:
Pretty Little Liars: I'm always a day or two behind on this one because my family doesn't have cable. Yes, I just typed that. They decided a few years ago that we watch too much TV and therefore, we should cancel cable... but back to PLL; I LOVE this show. I've read all the books but that never really helps keep up with the show since they change whatever they want. No complaints though, that's probably a good thing because I'm just as confused about who A is. (Apparently we'll know in 30 days!) Last night's episode was pretty good, maybe even a little below the show's drama standards. Ezra's job offer and Holden's bruise spiced things up a bit for Aria. And we all know Maya and Emily won't stay happy for too long if A has anything to do with it... And when will they bring Toby back, I can't take this much longer. Poor Hanna with those pictures... but at least she has Caleb (mmmmm). But come on, I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHO A IS ALREADY!
Jeopardy: Um, yes, this
I Hate my Teenage Daughter: This show has quickly become a new obsession of mine. Some of it's a bit exxagerated, but it's hilarious. I just can't help but laugh out loud at this one, especially last episode: "Teenage Dating." Lots of it sounded quite familiar...
American Idol: I miss Simon Cowell. I love him, he made the show. Although, Steven Tyler is pretty hilarious, the show isn't the same without Simon's accent and dry humor. :( There was definitely some talent last night though; the last girl's story made me cry, which is saying something because I don't cry. But then again, I almost cried at The Vow commercial... maybe I'm going soft.
I'm thinking that's it for today, now I'lll just sit here and remind myself: TOMORROW'S FRIDAY.TOMORROW'S FRIDAY.TOMORROW'S FRIDAY....
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