Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I really want to start cooking more... probably because I'm hungry and the recipes all look really good online. I've told my mom to pick a day for me to cook; when I do, I want to make all this:
That's chicken, breaded and stuffed with ricotta cheese... I think it looks heavenly.
Every good meal needs a side, and these roasted potatoes look reeally good...
Red.Velvet.Cheesecake.Brownies. need I say more?
I'll try to take some pictures when I actually get around to making this...
And on the subject of food, I finally satisfied my taco bell craving yesterday (: Now I just need some Bo Rounds and Red Beans and Rice. And... Pasta Pit had better reopen soon, I'm dying hereee...
Oh, and Happy National Pancake Day!
Picture of Almost-Famous Cheesecake Pancakes Recipe
Cheesecake pancakes? Oh Yes.


  1. I was about to do a post on cooking too! I really wanna learn so I can make him some yummy meals. And those cheesecake brownies..... dont think i need to say anything about them bc it's already known !

  2. You bettter be saving me some of those red velvet brownies when you get around to making those! My mouth was watering just looking at these pictures! Good choices! Haha

  3. Haha I know, everytime I look at them I get really hungry...
