Thursday, May 3, 2012

one of those days

Ever have those days where you just aren't feeling it? (It meaning any kind of movement, work, exercise, etc.) Today is one of those days... All week, I've been telling myself "I'm going to go to bed earlier tonight." And yet, it never happens.  I was on the right track last night... I babysat a 16 month old at a playground for almost two hours and when I got home, I was exhausted. Magically, after I finished reading my history chapter, it was only 9:30. I was in bed by 10:00... and then I decided to check facebook and twitter, and suddenly it was 11:30 again. How does this happen?
This God-awful weather isn't helping. How did we go from maybe 60 degrees on Saturday to 90 degrees on Wednesday? I'm all for hot weather in the summer... but it isn't summer. We're still being forced to sit in a building with dodgy air conditioning.  And, even worse, we're being forced to go exercise outside in the middle of the day. Now, I'm digustingly sweaty. And, I'm supposed to play basketball tonight. My lazy side really wants to skip out and stay home so I can eat way too much and maybe sleep. But, I'm going to make myself go.
The whole 'end of the year' mood is making the laziness even worse.  I can't make myself do any school work because I just don't want to.  And I usually don't study that much to begin with, what's studying a little bit less really going to do? Thank God this is my last month of school.

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