Saturday, January 28, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things... (:

Since it's Saturday and I'm happy to be out of school, I decided I'd post about some other things that make me happy too (:
  • Hoodies and long sleeve t-shirts
  • Uggs
  • Unseasonably warm weather
  • Popcorn, pizza, cookies, CINNABONS, and all the other foods that are terrible for me.
 (Daddy brought some home for us.. (: )
  • A really good book that hooks you from the first chapter:
  This is what I'm reading right now... (Review to come later)
  • Smoothies, my new addiction of the moment (:
  • E-mails from colleges complimenting my PSAT scores. They give me hope that I'll eventually figure out what I want to do with my life.
  • When those old songs I love come on the iPod or the radio.
  • Those times when you laugh so hard your stomach hurts.
  • That exhausted but wonderful feeling after a really good workout (I took an extreme core class today)
  • Exercising first thing in the morning... It sucks waking up but I feel really accomplished and confident for the rest of the day.
  • Yoga

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